Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Christmas time 2013

I hope everyone is having a very merry Christmas. This is just a quick post to say Happy Holidays

I have not started to work on any bigger sewing project so far, because I don't want to end up with yet another UFO as a result of a lack of time, but I do have something sewing related to write about, so let's meet here in a couple of days ;).

In the meantime, enjoy the holidays :)!



  1. Hi Zuzana,

    Thank you for remembering your readers! I am sure that on a one fine day you can return to the sewing and bloging again. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well!

    Best, Viola

    1. Hi Viola!

      Since I don't sew right now, I don't blog either, because I don't want this blog to be about everything else, but sewing. I would like to keep it sewing (or at least crafting in general) related and for the past too many months to count, I wasn't able to get back to the "real" (garment) sewing. Having said that, I have never forgotten about my blog, or the people, who are willing to read it (THANK YOU!) and even subscribe to it (THANK YOU!!), even though I am probably the lousiest blogger out there. The sewing and crafting community is full of really amazing people!

      So, thank you for your nice comment and have a great new year as well!

